The Cawood File
This file contains the known descendants, to the 6th generation, of Joshua Cawood, born about 1690, nailmaker of Otley, Yorkshire.

Notes for Charlotte WHITFIELD

From [67]. 1820 Settler (Clark's Party). Travelled unaccompanied. Became
common law wife of John Brown after he dumped his wife Anne. All 5 of their
children retained the surname Whitfield. Charlotte's descendants were mainly
traders and farmers in the Eastern Cape and Transkei. They have since
spread throughout Southern Africa and to places like Australia, New Zealand
and England. [69].
Apparently travelled on the ship from England as John Brown's "sister" [67].

I hope you have found something to interest you on these pages.
If you have any comments, suggestions, amendments, queries or suggestions; or if you wish to contact me about subsequent generations, please e-mail me.

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